Fullstack Blockchain Engineer
Hi, I am working as aBlockchain Engineerfor more than 3 years now. I have experience in developing and auditing projects on various blockchain platforms. I am interested in working onmathematics and cryptography.
Apart from work I love traveling and exploring new places. In my free time, I like listening to music,watching anime.
Proof of Work...
Started as intern in web2, now working full time in web3.

Blockchain Engineer
April'22 - Present
- Working on the comprehensive development of the AA layer.
- Worked on the wallet contracts, bundlers and integration with SDK.

Blockchain Security
Aug'21 - Apr'22
- Worked on shield module in Shentu chain built using Cosmos SDK.
- Worked on Solana/CosmWasm and cosmos chain projects auditing.

Blockchain Engineer Intern
Mar'21 - Aug'22
- Developed the NFT Bridge to transfer assets (ERC721, ERC1155) between root and child chain
- Enhanced the WalletWeb V2 to catch dropped transactions and wrote tests for the matic.js library.

Hapramp Studio
Software Engineer Intern
Sep'20 - Feb'21
- Worked on Hapramp’s GoSocial product with 500k+ downloads.
- Leveraged my knowledge of Next.js, Redux, and SSR to develop the product’s web version from scratch.
Some cool hacks built and shippped in hackathons.
hIVM → ETHIndia 2023
Built a stack based domain specific language for dApps to write deterministic intents. Won the top finalist in ETH India hackathon.
Rollup, VM, Assembler, Stackr
dClubhouse → Encode X Near
Won first prize in Near hackathon for building a dynamic NFT based decentralized Clubhouse.
Socket-io, Nodejs, Near
EVM Gossip → EVMOS Hackathon
Won first prize for building a relayer between EVM and EVMOS so that EVM chains can communicate with 53+ chains of Cosmos using Interchain Messaging.
Subgraphs, Relayer, ICA
WiseWallet → Nibiru Cosmos Hack
Won first prize for building the whole Account abstraction stack and limit order modules on cosmos.
Rust, Cosmwasm, Cosmos-SDK
Many more...
Built many dApps and won many more hackathons like ETH India 22, Comdex Hackathon, Algorand Innovate, Harmony One, etc.
Cosmos, Algorand, Harmony, etc.
Always intrested in learning new stacks.
- Proficient
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- TypeScript
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- JavaScript
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- Go
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- Learning
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- Rust
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- Frontend - React.js / Next.js
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- Backend - Node.js / Nest.js
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- App dev - React Native
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- Database - MYSQL / MongoDB NoSQL / Redis
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- Solidity
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- Yul
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- Subgraphs
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- ChainLink
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- Cosmos SDK
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- Relayers
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That’s it???
not sure what to add, will update later.